Natural Ways to Cope with Depression

Welcome to's new Community Health and Wellness blog. The purpose of our blog is to provide you with information and tips for how to maintain your health and wellness. Our first blog post is about natural ways to cope with depression.

Depression can be very debilitating and many people are unsure of what they can do, aside from medication, to combat the symptoms. First, let's define what depression is. Depression is a mood disorder that can affect how a person feels, thinks, etc. It can impact their entire day and cause things like too much sleep, over/under-eating, weight gain or loss, lack of productivity, and more. It is not something a person with depression can control, but there are ways to improve the symptoms.

Exercise is extremely important for someone suffering from depression. Even short sessions of exercise can improve your mood. According to George Krucik (M.D., MBA) in the article "Beating Depression Naturally," a Duke University study found that 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise three times a week was as effective at relieving symptoms of depression in the short term as antidepressant medication. The study also found that depression was less likely to return in people who continued to exercise after the initial trial.

Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water are also ways to help with depressive symptoms. When we get proper nutrition, our body is able to function at its best. We have more energy because our body is being fueled appropriately. Make sure you are getting enough calories and are eating from all of the basic food groups. 

Finding ways to reduce stress is another helpful way to reduce depression. Can you lessen stress at work by not working as many hours? Do you need a sitter for a few hours to watch children in order to take some time for self care? Listing ways that you can possibly reduce stress will have a big impact in the long run. Implement a few of these at a time in order to not get overwhelmed. It might be trial and error to see where your biggest stressors are and try to eliminate them. Can you delegate chores to a spouse or child? Can you arrange a carpool for work or child transportation? 

Getting enough sleep every night is one of the biggest ways to reduce depression. In the 2023 article "Depression and Sleep: Understanding the Connection" by John Hopkins University, it states "Depression and sleep problems are closely linked. People with insomnia, for example, may have a tenfold higher risk of developing depression than people who get a good night’s sleep. And among people with depression, 75 percent have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep." 

Sometimes it takes a village to help with healing and that is ok! Do what you need to do in order to stay in a good place mentally. No one is perfect and we all struggle with something. Take baby steps if it gets too overwhelming.

Below is a video on more ways to treat depression naturally.


Disclaimer: This is for a class assignment. This is not a real blog.


  1. Thank you for addressing the crucial topic of ways to cope with depression. Your insights offer great approaches to managing this condition. Your focus on nutrition, hydration, stress reduction, physical activity, and adequate sleep align well with holistic approaches. Even after doing all we can to cope with depression, we may still need professional help and that's OK. I hope that people who read your blog who struggle with this condition can feel your encouragement to seek support and take small steps toward healing!

  2. As someone that battles depression, and also a mother of children that battle depression, I appreciate that you are shedding light on this subject. Our doctor's treat us with medication to try to help with depression, but like your blog states, we feel better when we are functioning at our best. Exercise releases the happy endorphin's within us. My only problem is my depression makes me not have the energy or motivation to exercise in order to get those happy endorphin's. I think that we need to push though that, as difficult as it may be, and force ourselves to do some sort of exercise. Even if it's a simple walk to the corner and back. Thank you for the reminder.


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